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Quirks London 2023

Meet us at Quirks London

3rd - 4th May 2023

Discover how Emotional Logic's award-winning research approach is helping clients better understand and influence human behaviour. Our unique approach is at the forefront of Behavioural Science research.

We combine market research with neuro-science and psychology to deliver agile research that dives deeper.

We would love to see you there.

Stand 311

Attend our Speaker Session

7 facts about humans that will change the way you do research

Quirks London, Wednesday, May 3, 4:45 pm - 5:15 pm, Room 5

Human beings are not rational. In fact, a lot of the time when they make decisions they are not even thinking consciously. In a world that is getting faster, more human decision-making becomes automatic.

Discover 7 amazing facts about humans and learn how to adapt your research to capture deeper insight. We would love to see you at our session.


Visit us for amazing Virtual Reality experiences

and a chance to win an iPhone 14

Visit booth 311 Quirks London and come Deep Sea Diving with us or learn how to draw in Virtual Reality.
Find out more here.

What is Quirks London?

May 3rd-4th

The Quirk's Event is a valuable collection of sessions and networking opportunities with leaders in the insights field. It's designed to be affordable and convenient, with in-person and virtual options and multiple dates and locations. Find out more about Quirks London here.

Highly effective insights

More impact with the same budget.

Because Emotional Logic's research methodologies are based on behavioural science principles, we measure actual not stated behaviour. Building your strategies on insight into actual behaviour leads to better bottom-line results.

Independent tracking research has shown that our research insight delivers at least 44% more sales impact than traditional market research. This means your brand, destination, new product launches, marketing strategies and digital communications will have much more impact.

Here are some of the results you can achieve using our behavioural science research:

  • Make your advertising up to 4 times more persuasive
  • Develop packaging that converts up to 66% more sales
  • Make websites and digital content up to 200% more engaging
  • Develop shopping and leisure destinations that perform 20% above industry average


More Attention


Higher Engagement


Higher Sales

Practical and Actionable

Research that makes a difference

Our research makes a difference by delivering clear action points that can be quickly implemented. 93% of our clients agree we deliver actionable results.

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    Let's work together

    We deliver true new knowledge to clients