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Our Planet Matters

We are taking actions to reduce our carbon footprint. Sustainability and reducing our footprint has always been important to us, however, more now than ever we continue to prioritise our sustainability goals as our business has adapted because of the pandemic.

We’re committed to reducing our impact on the environment by developing low carbon research solutions. We have been carbon neutral since 2021 and thanks to our offsetting programme, all your research with us is Net Zero carbon.

Moving online

Over the past couple of years we, like so many others have had to adapt and change behaviours. As a result, we are conducting more international meetings via video call, and are continuing to carry out online research as much as possible. This is something we plan to do for the foreseeable future.

We have also switched to online platforms for supplier liaison instead of sending out paper documents in the post, as well as turning to electronic interviewing.

Reduction in emissions

Did you know that a set of 8 face-to-face focus groups generates 1 ton of CO2 emissions (including respondent travel)? From conducting research online, we are having a huge impact on the environment.

Also, with working from home now being a new normal, we have introduced a flexible working from home initiative to reduce commuting travel. 40% of our staff already commute by public transport and we have had a 26% reduction in air travel, even before the pandemic.

Managing our waste

We're creating a more sustainable working environment. For example, our web site hosting runs on 100% renewable energy, we only use recycled paper (if we do need to print out materials), and we use recycled and biodegradable packaging materials (such as parcel bags and bubble wrap).

We have also set up recycling stations within the office.

We have reduced our carbon footprint per employee by 62% already.

Spending less time in cars or public transport has resulted in a substantial reduction in our individual carbon footprints.

We're a Carbon Neutral Business!

We've signed on the (virtual) dotted lines and have been a Carbon Neutral Business since 2021 – the research that you do with us will have a net-zero carbon impact on the world. Read more here.

Together, let's make a difference.

170 trees saved in the last 5 years

We switched from paper to electronic surveys, saving 170 trees in the process