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Customer Closeness Closes The Deal

In consumer research, it is often easy to forget the human beings behind the data, each with their own stories – including their fears, their motivations and their emotions. Closeness to the customer ensures the individual feels valued and heard – the person does not feel like just another number, neither that they are there to be profited from. This closeness to the customer is meaningful and personal. The interaction could be that your name and favourite drink is remembered when you’re visiting your local café, or maybe this interaction is online, where the customer receives ideas via email for their next clothing items - based on what had been bought previously.


These kinds of interactions suggest to customers that their time is worthwhile and appreciated and is therefore known as Customer Closeness - signifying the deep interaction and collaboration between a company and their customers. This too, is important in market research – building a level of trust and, as a researcher, ensuring that you can understand and empathise with the customer. A way into customer closeness is Ethnography, whereby data is collected through interviews as well as observations of individuals, leading to a deeper understanding of their unconscious mind.


Why is Customer Closeness important?

Well, not only are your customers feeling valued - Customer Closeness can lead to loyalty to your brand or company, potentially leading to repeat customers. When a company or brand gets the closeness right, customers feel a sense of belonging, that the brand can empathise with and understand the individual; showing that the brand can adjust to an individual’s wants and needs.


How can Emotional Logic help?

As you can see, the path to loyalty to your brand can be driven by Customer Closeness. At Emotional Logic, we not only look into the conscious drivers behind a customer’s motivations, we also strive to delve deeper into the unconscious mind. We can unravel the factors that lead to a decision on, for example, whether a customer will purchase your newly designed item. Using our in house Motivational Deep Dive technique, we can better understand the customer’s unconscious motivations. Therefore, we can make clear recommendations to your brand ensuring that the customer is being listened to, appreciated and valued. Emotional Logic utilise ethnography to further gain those valuable insights into unconscious drivers. Contact us   to discuss how we can unravel the unconscious mind to ensure your customer feels valued, steering the way for customer closeness and hence, loyalty to your brand.




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