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3 marketing positionings that work well right now

Consumer behaviour is changing due to the pandemic. Attitudes and values are shifting and this has a strong effect on buying behaviour (Please see our Trends Report for more details).

There are three key trends in behaviour that will continue even after the crisis eases and brands are already using them to help reposition and increase loyalty for the future:

  • Nostalgia

Nostalgic TV programmes are doing well, Spotify has seen a 54% increase in people making track lists with songs from the pre 1990s and Instagram is celebrating 70s and 80s fashion. Louis Vuitton and Saint Laurent are using campaign images shot in the 1990s. Consumers want a slower pace of life with more home cooking and time at home (Emotional Logic). Brands with a long heritage or ones that offer a return to the simpler and more innocent lifestyle can tap into this trend.

  • For the greater good

79% of consumers expect brands to show social commitment during this crisis. Brands that show they are part of the solution, such as Brewdog making hand sanitiser and Admiral offering an automatic refund of Β£25 for car and van insurance are gaining goodwill that will increase loyalty once the crisis begins to subside.

But this trend does not just include brands that are helping in the current crisis, but also with the bigger problem facing us – sustainable consumption. Worried about food waste and plastic packaging, 76% of consumers want to live more in harmony with the planet (Emotional Logic COVID 19 Tracker) – so campaigns like Pepsi NL Unwasted, which is tapping into the trend for waste reduction, where consumers are able to sample the wide range of PepsiCo products near the sell by date at a discounted RRP are also successful.

  • Wellbeing

Mental and physical wellbeing is of high importance right now and will continue to be so for the foreseeable future. 43% of consumers intend to exercise more even after lockdown ends and 39% are vowing to eat more healthily. Following previous pandemics world-wide, sales of health supporting products general tend to increase. And the increased focus on mental health and mindfulness, which already started pre lockdown has also increased in presence. Brands that support our physical and mental wellbeing have a great chance of success. Lloyds Bank’s Isolation ads and Maltesers β€˜Look on the light side’ campaign are two examples of brands focusing in this area.Β 

Whether you need insight to adjust your strategies for existing brands to the new normal or are thinking about launching new products we can help you get it right. Emotional Logic is a specialist behavioural insight agency and we offer a range of cost effective research solutions to ensure your strategy connects with the constantly shifting needs of the consumer. Please get in touch for a free consultation.


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