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How brands are reacting to COVID-19

Under the recent series of events that COVID-19 has thrown at us, there have been some spectacular gestures from different brands around the globe that are really helping out those that are fighting on the front line. These brands are helping in the way that they know best. Here are a few that we have picked up on.


Dyson is a British technology company who are best known for their high-powered vaccum cleaners, fans, hair dryers and most recently, ventilators. Through this pandemic Dyson have adapted previous technologies to produce a ventilator called "CoVent" to help fight the coronavirus, which has reportedly been developed in 10 days. CoVent has the ability to run solely on battery power.

Dyson are manufacturing 15,000 ventilators, they are donating 5,000 and 1,000 of those will go to the United Kingdom to help those in need.


Panic buying of hand sanitiser has led to different distillers and purfume factories producing this item, which have then been donated to hospitals and those in need. BrewDog started producing free 'Punk' hand sanitiser with the aim to ease the national shortage, on Instagram they released a statement saying how they wanted to "try and help as many people are possible stay safe" throughout the pandemic.

Jaguar Land Rover

Jaguar Land Rover have been one of the car manufacturers that are helping throughout this global crisis, they have been working alongside the NHS to design a reusable 3D-printed face visor to protect workers on the front line. JLR are aspiring to develop a mass production to ship to different NHS trusts around the UK and are aiming to have 1,300 printed a week for key-workers.

JLR have also released a series of adverts with the hashtag 'KeepItParked', encouraging the public to stay indoors. Its for now. Not forever.

Uber UK

Uber is another company who have helped out a lot throughout the pandemic. Uber has pledged 10 million free rides and meals to say thank you for the hard work and dedication to health care workers, senior citizens, and others that have been affected. They are already offering free rides and food deliveries to NHS workers. Thank you Uber UK.

Fashion brands

Hospitals are lacking in essential equipment that they need to treat patients and protect themselves - particularly, surgical gloves, face masks and scrubs. Many fashion and beauty brands are using their resources to produce this equipments and provide assistance to prevent the spread of COVID-19, as they have a lot of time on their hands with retail stores being closed!

Ralph Lauren

Ralph Lauren has pledged to donate $10,000 million to coronavirus relief efforts, which is the biggest donation from a luxury company so far. They have also started production on 250,000 face masks and 25,000 isolation gowns for health care workers and patients.

New Balance

New balance has developed and are currently scaling their production for face masks. They want to make up to 100,000 units weekly at their factories to help health care workers. New Balance have introduced the slogan, "Made shoes yesterday. Making masks today." Pretty powerful isn't it?


L'Occitane has donated more than 10,000 hand creams to NHS and HSE staff members accross the UK and Ireland as a token gesture to say thank you for all of their hard work. Along with manufacturing 70,000 litres of hand sanitiser that is to be donated to the health authorities in France.

Emotional Logic

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Emotional Logic is a research agency specialising in behavioural insights and works with brands, charities and public sector organisations to understand motivations and shape future behaviour.

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