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Webinar: Footfall Trends & Consumer Behaviour – Summary of Key Insights

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An essential session for retailers, destinations and hospitality venues.

Diane Wehrle, Marketing and Insights Director, Spring Board and Annett Pecher, Director, Emotional Logic provide an overview of the retail destination landscape over the past few weeks of reopening and provide a forecast for the future based on data and insights. Spring Board and Emotional Logic are two of the UK’s leading retail and destination consultancies specialising in footfall and consumer behaviours.Β 

Hosted by Kallaway, one of the leading PR agencies for the hospitality and retail sector.


Key Insights

  • Footfall is recovering on high streets and in shopping destinations but not at the speed that we expected and the forecast is that footfall will remain below 2019 levels for the rest of the year.

  • Not all trends are long-term trends – Emotional Logic’s behavioural analysis has identified five behavioural shifts that will last and their effects can felt across all sectors – groceries, non-food shopping, eating out, holiday and leisure activities.

  • Worry about Coronavirus is stopping shoppers and diners to return to venues, but there is a big age divide with those aged under 35 significantly less worried – therefore venues and events targeting this demographic will recover first.

  • Making shopping and visiting an enjoyable experience, even under current restrictions, should be a top priority as this is most likely to help recovery speed up.

  • For the longer term, venues must deliver a sociable experience, that inspires, involves all senses and connects with your brand. Venues must stop thinking about themselves as place of transaction and more of a place to have a physical interaction with a brand.

For more insights -Β  watch the webinar now.

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