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New Product Development Research

95% of new products fail long-term

Using our Behavioural Science based tools results in new product launches with a significantly higher chance of long-term success.

How can I ensure I have a successful product launch?

Products and services developed with Behavioural Insight achieve higher sales targets. Our research has helped many clients develop long-term top sellers.

Will my new product sell?

We give you the tools to unhook those current habits and stimulate behavioural change to make more consumers choose your product or service.

All stages of the process

We can help you generate ideas, screen concepts and refine end products using the latest Behavioural Science principles.


Faster adoption


Higher propensity to buy


Stronger brand connection

New Product Development with Emotional Logic delivers faster adoption, higher propensity to buy and stronger brand connection / implicit association.

Let's work together

We deliver true new knowledge to clients